Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I'm looking forward to this year's meta | morphosis, not just because of the wonderful people and new friends we always make (that's always nice) but because the program has been expanded to include some much needed (and much requested) hands-on exercises. I'm especially looking forward to the metadata exercise - Analyzing your metadata problems. We all have 'em - in vaying degrees - and I always learn something new when Kathryn Lybarger is steering the boat, which she will be doing for this particular hands-on section.

For those unfamiliar with Kathryn, she's an extremely good teacher - patient and able to explain even the most complex of gobbeldy-gook into something that's understandable. A quiet, somewhat unassuming woman, her technological prowess will astound and amaze. If this was a circus, she'd be the headlining act!

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